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 Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael

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4 participants


Nombre de messages : 441
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2006

Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Empty
MessageSujet: Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael   Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Icon_minitime24/1/2008, 15:40

Bon les liens vers les objets marchent pas mais c'est normal je suis un @dminoob.

Il s'agit là de la classe mage vu par la guilde Nihilum pour du raid 25.

This FAQ/guide is purely for raiding purposes, since I'm a PvE carebear. PvP people need not read further. There's viable raiding specs for all the three spell schools: frost, arcane and fire. I'm fire, so this FAQ will be more focused on that.

Something like that, the amount of points in Arcane Focus depending on how much +hit gear you have. Then some 3x Arcane Blast -> Arcane Missile -> Scorch / Fire Blast rotation. It's very high in damage output with 2x t5 for the 20% Arcane Blast damage increase, but it's mana intensive and limited to a 30y range, unlike frost and fire. With t6 bonus you can also do good damage with pure Arcane Missiles.

Just pick the important stuff, there's plenty of points with no good place to put them in. Spam Frostbolt and keep that Iceblock bound to some easy key (you coward). The damage is ok, a bit less than a deep fire spec. There aren't really any encounters at the moment that absolutely require the increased survival, Mother Shahraz probably closest.

My current spec, it's probably close to what most fire mages have. One point in Imp Fire Blast to get proper 2x Fireball -> Fire Blast rotation. Start with 5x Scorch, have an addon like quartz to show when it's running out to make your life easier, then just spam Fireball, reapplying Scorch when needed. If you've got a shadowpriest (you really should have), you can add Fire Blast to the rotation for a minor dps boost, the cooldown will be ready after every second Fireball cast.

You'll want gear that has +hit, +crit and +dmg (and sockets) on it. If you're frost or fire, you'll want to have close to 164 hit rating. Hit is a very good stat damage-wise, but you can only have 99% hit chance against mobs (you have 83% hit chance against lvl73 mobs, which the bosses are), so above 164 you won't get any benefit from it. For arcane spec, depending on how many points you put in Arcane Focus you can go as low as 76 hit rating and keep 99% hit chance. There's tons of +hit in bt/hyjal gear so reaching 164 is easy with that.

Crit, dmg, int, sta & spi:

Crit is nice, especially for fire and frost since they receive a high damage increase from it (2.1x fire, 2x frost, 1.75x arcane). +dmg is of course the main stat, there aren't really any items without it. There's a fair amount of stamina in t6 and you'll want to have that for many of the fights in bt/hyjal. In lower tier instances the Spellfire/Frozen Shadoweave sets are better or equivalent to majority of the gear and a bit lower health doesn't hurt that much. There's enough +int on all gear to have a sufficiently large manapool, so there's no need to focus on it. It does yield 1% crit per 80 int, which is a nice minor crit boost. Spirit is somewhat useless, since mana isn't a major issue. Imp Divine Spirit buff adds 10% of your total spirit to your +dmg.

Spell penetration & haste:

Spell penetration isn't really worth it, CoE & +16% hit is enough for nearly all fights, thus making penetration useless for most of the time. There's some amount of haste gear in bt/hyjal that got improved now with the 2.2 patch. The stat itself isn't bad, but it doesn't increase Scorch and Fire Blast damage, since global cooldown is limiting them already. It also increases mana consumption a bit unlike the other stats and the items currently in game have poor stat distribution (only +dmg and +haste).


Some people go with red gems on every slot (+9dmg/+12dmg). Personally I rather use orange ones (+4crit+5dmg/ +5crit+6dmg) to get the socket bonuses and because of the aforementioned balanced stat distribution. If you're having a hard time reaching the hit cap, it's definitely worth it using the dmg&hit orange gems. Currently there's no good meta gems for fire spec. The options currently are [item]32641[/item] from Ogri'la, [item]28557[/item] from Spirit Shards, and [item]25893[/item] (which you'll want to get if you're using Arcane Missiles, very good for that, Although it is getting nerfed in 2.3). [item]34220[/item] incoming in patch 2.3 will be very nice for fire spec.


There's plenty of fairly nice trinkets to choose from, my favorite combo is [item]28785[/item] + [item]32483[/item]. The only two I'd recommend you to avoid as a fire mage are the [item]31857[/item] and the [item]32488[/item]. For Arcane Missile spamming, the Ashtongue Talisman can be quite good.


Enchants are quite obvious, focus on the ones giving +dmg whenever you can. +15hit on gloves is also good if you're lacking from 164. I use subtlety on cloak for the minute 2% threat reduction, it's better than the alternatives. +6 stats on chest if your hp is sufficient, otherwise the +150health one.


For the encounters where you're tanking, you'll want to have epic stamina gear. Best source for this is from PvP, with a few other good items like [item]31859[/item] and [item]32343[/item] from elsewhere. [item]28594[/item] with 3x12sta gems in it is quite nice as well. Don't bother with green gear unless you really really need to, a month or two of casual PvP is enough to get most of the stuff you need for everything currently ingame (around 13k HP buffed is easily enough for now).


You'll definitely want to use this to improve your DPS. Make a macro like this:

/stopcasting /cast fireball

Then using Quartz to see a nice estimate for the latency (the red section on the casting bar), start recasting when the cast has nearly finished, like on the lower casting bar in the image. This lessens the recasting delay from your casting and thus increases your damage output. Add it to your scorch and fireblast as well if you want to maximize the gain. However, this will all be useless once 2.3 comes live since Blizz is remaking the casting system somewhat.

Threat management:

As long as your MT is competent, threat isn't much of an issue in most of the fights. [item]21647[/item] is very good, but I only use it in one encounter atm (Reliquary of Souls). For the rest, Invisibility is a good enough threat dump. It reduces threat by 10% every second for five seconds and drops it to zero once you turn invisible, so you don't need to let it finish to gain benefit from it.


Enchanting for the BoP ring enchants, tailoring for the crafted sets (and after you don't need them anymore, maybe jewel crafting for the BoP gems). Engineering if you cling on the hope that Blizz will buff it some day =P (it does save a few slots in backpack to have the injectors). Or just go with mining and herbalism for the money, the difference is minimal.


The new [item]22866[/item] are naturally the best, but when you're feeling cheap, [item]28103[/item] + [item]32062[/item] / [item]22840[/item] / [item]32067[/item] is an ok choice for the few high-resist foes like Supremus. Basilisks are easy to farm for [item]27657[/item], buzzards in Hellfire Peninsula are very easy to AoE farm for[item]27651[/item] Rather get food with +20 spirit than 8mp5 for the Improved Divine Spirit buff. [item]22788[/item] is a nice little extra, as well as [item]22839[/item] if your mana situation is ok. [item]20749[/item]> is the best, [item]22522[/item] is cheaper to get. Remember to use mana gems and potions early on in the fight to get the cooldowns ticking, don't wait until you're oom.

This depends a lot on your own taste. This is what I have currently. Just keep it clean and easy to use. Having a large black bar on top and bottom might look fancy, but it limits your vision a lot. You definitely ought to have maxed out zoom always to have a better feel of the whole encounter.

The few addons i'd recommend as a mage are Quartz for the latency and fire vulnerability tracking, BigBrother to show who broke your sheep and Click2Cast for easier decursing (I've bound shift-clicking the unitframe to decursing). Then there's plenty of addons every raider should have, like a threat meter, damage meter, buff & debuff addon, some bossmod addon etc. Some sort of range check on unitframes is very good for buffing and decursing. wowace is a great source for said addons and more.

Bind stuff you use frequently to keys, don't be a mouseclicker! Get a fancy mouse with loads of buttons so you can bind stuff like autorun, blink and mounting to them.

You'll definitely want to take advantage of the focus-feature. Get an addon that has a unitframe for focus target (such as PitBull) and set a keybind for 'target focus' and 'focus target'. Make two macros:

/cast [target=focus] Counterspell
/cast [target=focus] Polymorph

Keeping track of your polymorph is a lot easier with focus, and interrupting a mob without having to target it is very useful (mostly for PvP, but for e.g. Illidari Council as well).

Well, it's not very easy to write stuff for this. Just try to have a clear picture of whatever the encounter is. Focus on the important things, don't stare at casting bar all the time for maximal stopcasting efficiency if you've got void zones spawning under you. Anticipate stuff so you can react faster. Adjust to the situation. A lot of this comes from experience. Mage is overall a fairly easy class to play, big part of the reason why I enjoy it so =P.
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Nombre de messages : 193
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2006

Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael   Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Icon_minitime24/1/2008, 17:08

c'est gentil

en francais maintenant stp
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Nombre de messages : 441
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2006

Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael   Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Icon_minitime24/1/2008, 17:21

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Nombre de messages : 541
Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006

Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael   Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Icon_minitime24/1/2008, 18:11

Euh... en ouzbek pls !
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Nombre de messages : 193
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2006

Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael   Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Icon_minitime24/1/2008, 18:12


tu trouveras peut etre comment placer un link sur un forum......
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Nombre de messages : 49
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2006

Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael   Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Icon_minitime24/1/2008, 19:16

C'est ce salaté d'Internet Explorer de .... qui comprend rien au code Html

go Firefox
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Nombre de messages : 193
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2006

Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael   Pour toi Gan et pour toi AntéTyrael Icon_minitime24/1/2008, 19:17

mais oui, bien sur.... c'est jamais de sa faute au nain.....
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